Motorcycle Helmet Law in Florida

According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics, proper use of motorcycle helmets reduces crash-related fatalities by 37%. Studies clearly show that there are fewer serious head injuries and fatalities among motorcycle enthusiasts in the 19 states that require helmets for all riders. Florida’s helmet law requires only riders under the age of 21 to wear helmets.

The abundance of warm weather and sunny skies make Florida an inviting place to motorbike. The NHSTA blames this fact, along with the partial helmet law for the high incidence of motorcycle fatality in the Sunshine State.

Other contributory causes of motorcycle rider injuries and fatalities include:

  • Headon collision with a car – in most crashes involving a motorcycle and a car, the car hits the motorcycle head on. This type of crash causes serious head and brain injury, often fatal.
  • Cars making un-signaled left hand turn – cars hit motorcycles while they are turning as the motorcycle attempts to pass or overtake the car.
  • Lane splitting – when there is heavy traffic, motorcyclists weave their way between cars.
  • Speeding – the severity of injury increases with the velocity of the vehicle.
  • Drug and alcohol use – drinking and driving is always dangerous and perhaps even more so for a motorcyclist than for a driver of a closed vehicle.

Given the high rate of fatality in motorcycle crashes, combined with the evidence that helmets prevent many crash-related deaths begs the question as to why Florida law does not require helmet use for all riders.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, speak to a personal injury attorney. Learn about your right to receive monetary compensation for your injuries. For your free consultation call the Palm Harbor Law Office of Paul B. Genet, P.A. at 727-510-8802 or contact us online.

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